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2024-CORE-112: Where to look: Casting a wide net

Where to look?

Databases and more

Comprehensive Searches

Search USC Libraries Online Collections for books and articlesUSC Libraries:

Google Scholar (searches for scholarly books and articles in scholarly journals both in USC Libraries and beyond). Make sure to log in on USC Libraries page before you search it from an off-campus location.


Individual Databases
ProQuest Multiple Databases (a multidisciplinary database with good coverage for scholarly journals and high quality non-scholarly sources such as, for example, Los Angeles Times; New York Times) See under DATABASE QUICKLINKS.


Individual Scholarly Databases 

JSTOR: a multidisciplinary database with full-text coverage for scholarly journals. See under DATABASE QUICKLINKS.

RECOMMENDATION: Advanced search and select your discipline and/or journal titles to search. NOTE: It is an archive, so please do not expect recent issues of journals in JSTOR.

Project Muse a mutli-disciplinary (Humanities and Social Sciences) database with full-text coverage for scholarly journalsSee under DATABASE QUICKLINKS.

Arts and Humanities Search features hundreds of titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies. It is designed to complement the following indexes: ABM, Avery, BHA, BHI, DAAI, Index Islamicus, MLA, Philosopher's Index and RILM.



LIBRARIAN: Sophie Lesinska, Ph.D.

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Sophie Lesinska