The advanced search on the home page can be found in the search box. It looks like stitching or equalizer bars.

When you click on it, this box comes up.

Free text allows you to combine your conditions with a free text search of the entire record plus any associated full text.
Exact text is a controlled vocabulary search when you don't know what field/tag to use.
Exclude exact free text works like a Boolean NOT. If a record contains the text it will not be returned as part of the results set.
The most important functionality is the second search box from the top. Click on the button "Add condition" When you click on the down arrow under Conditions, you will get this popup that contains all of the searchable fields for the Digital Library.

Some common searches
Author, Photographer |
Creator |
Location/Place |
Place Name |
Subject |
Subject |
Date of document, photo |
Date created |