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WRIT 150: Technology & Social Change

A research guide for students in WRIT 150: Technology & Social Change courses.


Go to the USC Libraries to begin your search.

Enter your keywords into the search. Remember Boolean searching can help you refine your search and yield more relevant results.

For example, I searched social media AND privacy which resulted in almost 300,000 articles found. Select see all results  to continue refining your results.

social media AND privacy search for articles

Adding Filters

From here, you can continue to add filters such as peer-review, date, and language.

For example, I applied the peer-reviewed journals, available online, and published between 2016 to present.

Apply filters to your articles search.

Downloading Articles

Majority of our journal articles are available online. You can access them by selecting Download Now or Available Online.

Select Download PDF to read article.