Step 1: You are the Reader!
Step 2: Go to the "Trojan Bookshelf" tab and browse the Trojan Book descriptions.
Step 3: Register for the Trojan Bookshelf event. During registration, you will select, or "Checkout," two Trojan Books you would like to read during the Reading Sessions that will take place during the event. There will be an opportunity to pose questions to the Trojan Book during Checkout. Register here:
Step 4: During the Trojan Bookshelf event, there will be multiple Reading Sessions. You will be assigned to a station (along with other Readers) with the Trojan Book you selected at Checkout. The Trojan Books will share their stories and the Reader(s) will be able to ask questions and engage in dialogue. Each Reading Session will have a facilitator who will help facilitate discussion between the Reader(s) and the Trojan Brook.
Step 5: Interested in learning more about what you just "read"? Visit the "Additional Reading" tab to discover further materials on the topics.
What exactly is the Trojan Bookshelf event? Are we just reading books?
The Trojan Bookshelf is a speaker series designed to encourage dialogue among USC students, staff, and faculty. USC students, staff, and faculty will serve as the Trojan Books who will share a chapter out of their lived experience(s). This chapter/story can be on any topic of their choosing in order to help the Readers (attendees) gain a better understanding of their story.
Can I share my story if I don’t have a professional job?
Yes. Stories are not limited to a job/career path. You can share a story about how you overcame/are seeking to overcome a challenge, how/why you started/joined a club/organization, how your lifestyle impacts or influences how you interact with other, etc.
What is the structure of the Trojan Bookshelf event?
There will be multiple, 30-minute group Reading Sessions, 15-20 minutes for the Trojan Book to share their story and 10-15 minutes for Q&A between the Trojan Book and the Reader(s).
Will the reading sessions be one-on-one or will there be multiple people per Trojan Book?
Our hope is to have a large pool of Trojan Books and keep the number of Readers per Trojan Book low (think of it like a small Book Club!). The ratio will depend on the number of available Trojan Books and the popularity of the Trojan Book. Trojan Books may be asked to speak during multiple Reading Sessions so as to keep the number of Readers down per session.
Can staff and faculty attend/be a Trojan Book?
Yes. All current USC student, staff, or faculty members are encouraged to attend the event as a Reader or apply to be a Trojan Book themselves.
I tried to apply to be a Trojan Book but the form said I need permission. What do I do?
The Trojan Book Application form can only be viewed by USC users. Please make sure that you are signed into your Google Drive account with your USC email address in order to access the form.
Can I register with a non-USC email?
Registration is limited to USC students, staff, or faculty only. You must register using your USC email.
Will this event be held online?
No, this event will be held in person (outside) on the Leavey Library patio.
Will this event be recorded?
No. This event will not be recorded.
Check back regularly for more FAQs