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Trojan Bookshelf

This guide provides resources and information for the USC Libraries Trojan Bookshelf Series.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter covers the shootings that touched off passionate protests, the work of activists to bring about a more just legal system, and the tensions in US society that these events have brought to light.

Making All Black Lives Matter

Barbara Ransby outlines the scope and genealogy of this movement, documenting its roots in Black feminist politics and situating it squarely in a Black radical tradition.

When They Call You a Terrorist

A poetic and powerful memoir about what it means to be a Black woman in America--and the co-founding of a movement that demands justice for all in the land of the free.

Violence Against Black Bodies

Violence Against Black Bodies argues that black deaths at the hands of police are just one form of violence that black and brown people face daily in the western world.

Freedom Is a Constant Struggle

In these newly collected essays, interviews, and speeches, activist and scholar Angela Y. Davis illuminates the connections between struggles against state violence and oppression throughout history and around the world.