Active learning is one of the most important elements of effective information literacy instruction. In practice, active learning represents a shift from thinking about instruction in terms of the lecture or presentation by the librarian, and a move toward planning activities for students to do during the session.
The reasoning behind this shift is fairly straightforward: learning is only possible with active participation on the part of the learner. For something to be learned, it must go into a person's working memory in order for it to be stored in their long-term memory for later use, application, and transfer. Consequently, learning requires participation of a specific kind: active cognitive engagement from a learner's brain. Therefore, broadly construed we might say that the goal of active learning is meaningful cognitive engagement on the part of the learner in relation to the learning goals set by the facilitator of learning.
In order to maximize the opportunity for active learning to take place, library instructors can facilitate activities for students to do during (or prior to) a session that put into practice the skills targeted in the learning outcomes for the session.
A short rule of thumb: Instructors can always ask what two or three research skills do I want students to be able to do as the result of this session?
These are your learning outcomes and the skills students can practice during your session.
This presentation by USC Librarians on "An Introduction to Active Learning for Information Literacy" breaks down these ideas and their application in more detail, and provides specific guidelines for how to create outcomes for active learning for information literacy.
It can be helpful to think of library instruction sessions as facilitating conversations. You want to scaffold and work up towards challenging and thoughtful questions. Building in various participation and share out methods can increase learner engagement with information literacy concepts and reduce anxiety around speaking up in class.