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Staying Current With Dental, Medical, and Health Sciences Research

Learn how to use email alerts, RSS feeds, apps to stay up-to-date with new articles published in dentistry, medicine, nursing, and other health sciences areas.

Journal Email Alerts

There are two primary methods you can use to get email alerts for new journal issues. 

  1. Use the Browzine database and/or mobile app available through USC Libraries (highly recommended!). Sign in with you USC NetID and password, click "my bookshelf," and click  "sign up" or "login" to create a new account or access your existing account. You will have full-text access to all journals in USC Libraries subscriptions directly in the database or app. See the box below for more details.
  2. Set up alerts on the journal website. On the journal homepage, look for links that say “sign up for e-alerts” or “issue alert” or something similar. When you receive email alerts this way, the article links are not connected to your library account, and you will need to look up the journal in the library catalog to access the full text article.


Instructions for Library Database Alerts


You may either set up a journal alert to be notified when new issues of a particular journal are published, or you may set up a search alert from a search screen. See the links below to learn more about how to set up these types of alerts.

Journal Alert:

1. Along top menu bar, select "Publications"
2. Search by title or topic
3. Locate desired title, click on orange RSS icon

4. For email alerts, input your email and save or copy RSS link to a RSS feed reader of your choice.


Search Alert:

1. On the search results page open "Share" menu
2. Create email alert or subscribe to RSS feed alerts


Nature Publishing Group

NPG publishes numerous scientific and medical journals, including the British Dental Journal and its associated titles. 

The instructions for setting up these alerts can be found on the following page:

Modify or set-up Nature Email Alerts

You may create and schedule alerts to deliver new documents matching your search as they become available in ProQuest. Note: Content from the ebrary e-books database will not be included in alert emails or RSS delivery at this time. 

You will need to create a ProQuest My Research account to modify, delete, or view all of your alerts. Detailed instructions for each type of ProQuest alert appear below.

After you run a search, you can save it to your My Research account. Your saved searches are listed on the Searches tab in My Research. Your searches are listed in descending order, meaning your most recent saved search is at the top and your oldest saved search at the bottom.

To save a search to My Research:

  1. Click the Save search link above your results list, or on the Actions menu corresponding to the search on the Recent Searches page.
  2. Save the search to your My Research account.
    You’re prompted to sign into your account if necessary.
  3. Provide a required name for the search. Enter optional notes.
  4. Click Save.

ProQuest Publication alerts

Provides a way for you to find specific publications, such as newspapers or magazines, and browse individual issues. When you browse or search for a publication, and it’s available, you can click the publication title to display a page that provides details about that publication.

Click the Create alert link to define your publication alert details. After responding to an email from ProQuest to confirm the email address you provided, your alert is activated.

For more information on creating and managing your My Research account saved searches and alerts, see the link below.



Saved searches are delivered automatically whenever new articles that match your specific search criteria are available. If you add annotations to your search history, they are saved too.

Once you access Ovid, choose the database you want and create a search to be used as an AutoAlert. Next, click the Save All button, selecting the lines that you wish to include in your search strategy.

Ovid Search History screenshot showing the save search feature.

At this point, you are prompted to login to your Personal Account. You will need to create one if you don't already have one. After completing the Personal User Account setup, you'll see the following page. Name your search and customize your Alert by selecting scheduling options, delivery options, email address and subject, email options and report type.

Under report type, the third choice, Email includes records only, is what a typical AutoAlert contains (just the records). However, the additional choices include sending you a link to your search history in Ovid, along with your records. The second choice Email includes records, a Results Display Link, and a link to each record's Full text or Complete Reference Display is the choice that gives you everything.

Screenshot of the Ovid alerts page.

Once you have entered the information to create your AutoAlert, Ovid returns to the main search page. If you click on the View Saved button, you can view the AutoAlert that you just created.

Ovid screenshot withe the "View Saved" link highlighted.

Click on the box next to the name of the AutoAlert to select it and you can then run (or delete, copy, rename, display, edit, or email a jumpstart for) it.

Ovid AutoAlert screen with an arrow pointing to the Run button.

If you run the AutoAlert, you immediately receive an email with the results. Check it to ensure that the AutoAlert format meets your needs.

When you create a new AutoAlert, you receive your first results the next time the database is updated, and with every subsequent database update.


eTOC Alert

You can also setup eTOC alerts in Ovid. Electronic Tables of Contents (eTOC) track changes in a specific journal’s table of contents.

  1. Log in to Ovid
  2. From the database menu select the My WorkSpace link at the top.
  3. Choose My eTOCS below the blue banner.
  4. This will take you a place where you enter the email address in question.
  5. A box will come up showing available journal etoc alerts.
  6. Select the desired journal and click the up arrow to add the journal title from the list.
  7. Don't forget to click the "Update" button, at the bottom of the screen, to implement the change.

You can also set up an eTOC by clicking the eTOC Image button found in the journals table of contents display.

If you have any questions or problems please contact Technical Support  by emailing

The Oxford University Press platform allows you to set up a number of types of email alerts, including new issue, advance article, and save searches alerts. 

The instructions for setting up each of these can be found on the following page:

Oxford Journal Email Alerts Help

SAGE Journals

You must create an individual account in order to setup SAGE alerts, save searches and save journals. Once you have signed in, click on the My Profile tab and then View My Account, as shown below.

An image showing the homepage of the Sage Journals website, the My Profile link in the upper right hand corner is underlined in red.

An image showing the My Profile menu, the link to "View My Account" is underlined in red.

The following types of Email Alerts are available for most SAGE journals:

  • TOC: Full Table of Contents alerts will send you a listing of all articles within an issue, with links to the abstracts.
  • TOC Awareness: Table of Contents Awareness Alerts will send you a link to the complete TOC online (will not include a list of articles within the alert itself).
  • Announcements: Announcement Alerts will keep you up to date with special journal news or related events.
  • OnlineFirst: OnlineFirst Alerts notify you of new articles published ahead of print. You will receive alerts as each OnlineFirst article is posted online.


You must create an individual account in order setup ScienceDirect alerts. To do so, click the link to Sign In at the top of the screen, and then click Not Registered? to create your account. Once you have signed in, click the plus sign (+) next to your name and then Manage my alerts, as shown below.

A description of the various types of ScienceDirect alerts also appears below.

  • Search alerts notify you by email when new documents matching your search criteria become available online. 
  • Topic alerts are predefined searches on a specific topic, such as inorganic chemistry. Topic alerts notify you by email when new documents on a particular topic are available. 
  • Journal and book-series alerts notify you by email when a new issue of a particular journal or a new book volume becomes available. 

For further information on ScienceDirect alerts, including a tutorial video, please see links below.


SpringerLink allows you subscribe to search results via RSS feed. To do so, simply click on the RSS icon on the search results screen, as shown below.

An image showing the results page of a search on SpringerLink, the RSS button in the top-right corner is underlined in red.

TOC Alerts

You may also set up Table of Contents alerts for specific Springer journals. To do so, locate the journal that you are interested in and then click on the links in the right column to Sign up for alerts, as shown below. 

An image showing the right-hand column of a journal's landing page on the SpringerLink platform, the button to sign up for alerts is underlined in red.

Enter your email on the following page to subscribe to alerts for the selected journal, you will receive them as new issues become available on SpringerLink. 

An image depicting the sign-up form for journal alerts on the SpringerLink platform.

Taylor & Francis Online 

You must create an individual account in order to setup Taylor & Francis journal alerts. To do so, click the Login link at the top of the screen and then the Sign Up link on the proceeding page. Fill out the information requested. A confirmation email will be sent to the address you have provided. You must respond to the confirmation email to activate your account.

New Content (TOC) Alerts

  1. Once you have created an account and signed in, click on the Browse tab at the top of the page.
  2. Select a journal of interest to you by clicking on the title.
  3. Click on New content alerts in the center of the journal home page as shown below.
  4. Select the type of TOC alert you require from the drop down menu (either email alert or RSS feed).
  5. If requesting an RSS alert, depending on the RSS reader you are using, you will then need to click Subscribe to this feed or paste the URL into the field in your reader and submit your request for a new feed.
  6. You will start to receive Table of Contents (TOC) alerts, which notifies you of each new issue of a publication of your choice.

Citation Alerts

  1. Search for content in Taylor & Francis and select an article of interest.
  2. On the article page, click Citations as shown below.
  3. Subscribe to citation updates.
  4. You will start to receive Citation alerts, which notifies you when that particular article has been cited.


Web of Knowledge / Web of Science

You must create a personal account in order to create alerts for Web of Knowledge. To register, click Sign In in the upper right hand corner of the screen, and then select Register. Fill out the information requested to create your account. Once you have logged into your account, you will be able to set Citation Alerts and Saved Searches.

Citation Alerts

This feature allows you to receive an e-mail alert when articles you select are cited. Alternately, you can use this feature to keep a list of your favorite articles. To add an article to this list (and receive an e-mail each time it is cited), follow the instructions below.

  1. Search for your research topic in Web of Knowledge.
  2. Click on the article of interest.
  3. When viewing a Full Record, click Create Citation Alert, as shown below. Note: not all Full Records in all products will have this button. If you do not see the Create Citation Alert button, then the record does not contain sufficient information for the alerting system to connect it to references cited by other articles.
  4. Now, you will automatically receive an e-mail alert every time the article is cited in a journal indexed in the Web of Science database.
  5. If you need to change your alert settings, click on Alerts at the top of the page and select which type of alert you would like to edit.

An image depicting the Citation Network information found on an article page on Web of Science, the link to create a citation alert is underlined in red.

Saved Searches

This feature allows you to receive email alerts or RSS feeds of the latest documents which result from running your search query. You may create as many alerts as you need. Follow the instructions below for creating alerts for Saved Searches.

  1. Search for your research topic in Web of Knowledge.
  2. Click on History near the top right.
  3. Click on the bell icon to create the alert, as shown below.
  4. Give your search alert a name and click Create.
  5. Now, periodically, you will receive an email with the new results of your search.
  6. If you need to change your alert settings, click on Alerts in the top menu and then Search Alerts.

An image depicting the Search History screen on the Web of Science platform, the icon to create a search alert is underlined in red.


Wiley Online Library

You must create a personal account in order to create alerts for Wiley Online To register, click Log in/Register in the upper right hand corner of the screen, and then select Register. Fill out the information requested and click Submit registration. Once you have logged into your account, you will be able to set email alerts for new content and saved searches. To manage existing Wiley alerts, click on My Profile at the top of the screen, and then select Alert Manager. To set alerts follow the instructions below.

Content Alerts 

You can sign up to receive an e-mail alert containing the table of contents for any Wiley Online Library journals. Simply find publications of interest using Publications or Browse by Subject and choose Get New Content Alert from the Journal Tools menu, as shown below. For journals publishing Accepted and Early View articles, these will be included in your e-mail alerts.

An image depicting a journal landing page on the Wiley Online Library platform, the link to get content alerts is underlined in red.

Search Alerts 

You can be notified by e-mail when new papers are published that match your search criteria. Simply conduct a search and choose Save Search on the Search Results page, as shown below.

An image depicting the search results page on the Wiley Online Library platform, the link to save search is underlined in red.

Issuu for Dental Journals

Issuu is a leading free digital publishing platform that hosts a variety of publications related to dentistry, including the Journal of the California Dental Association and others put out by state dental associations. A number of USC and Ostrow-related publications can also be found. 

Accessing this content on Issuu is free of charge. Creating a free user account allows you to save a list of desired publications and follow your favorite content publishers. Push notifications can be set up by downloading the free iOS/Android application, more information can be found at the proceeding link:

The following links go directly to the CDA, Ostrow, and USC accounts on Issuu: