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Hosted by Web of Science, this database uses BIOSIS Indexers to apply at least one Major Concepts and Concept codes to each citation.
A key additional search field is: Taxonomic data.
In CINAHL, the thesaurus is called: CINAHL Headings. It is located in the upper navigation bar of our EBSCO hosting program.
Boolean Operators: AND, OR and NOT.
Truncation indicator: Asterisk (*), may be used inside parentheses (e.g., "amniotic flud*")
Notes. Related words and equivalent subjects are calculated by the CINAHL database. MEDLINE refers to the indexed subset in PubMed.
This National Library of Medicine database is indexed using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) (their thesaurus) which is updated annually. The full MeSH database is available online. PubMed automatically maps concepts entered into the search box onto MeSH ... sometimes more successfully than at other times. Author keywords are included in the database, but not mapped; [all fields], [ot], and [tw] are fields that will access author keywords
Searching tips
Advanced search
This database does not have a separate online Thesaurus, so it is necessary to use the Subject Guide search to locate specific subject. To search by a subject is a two step process:
Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT
NOTE: Only in the Subject Guide Search and the Publication Search will the auto-fill drop-down menu identify actual subjects and publications. Entering terms in the main search box provides terms others have tried.
Hosted by EBSCO, the Thesaurus is in the upper right corner.
Search tips
ProQuest hosts this database which is indexed using the 11th edition (2007) of the American Psychological Association's Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms® and includes the updated terms for 2015. The Thesaurus is available online under Advanced Search and can be used to locate and combine terms using Boolean operators. Additionally, by using Subject heading (all) - SU from the drop-down menu, Look up Subjects accesses individual terms from the Thesaurus.
Searching tips