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PBL: Leilani's Partial Edentulism

This guide is intended to support DDS/ASPID students identify useful resources for their learning needs.


Consider using these keywords as you search within textbooks or other library resources:

clinical interviewing, medical history taking, head and neck examination, intraoral examination, periodontal assessment, treatment planning, kennedy classification, edentulous space

removable partial dentures, diagnostic casts, (removable) partial dental record, removable partial denture design/framework, dental impression materials, removable partial denture framework prescription, laboratory prescription, tooth preparation for RPD, impressions for RPD, RPD tooth selection, RPD final wax-up, occlusal registration, occlusal relationships, functional impression(s), altered cast technqiue, RPD final procedures, dental materials for RPD, RPD acrylic selection, RPD color, RPD soft tissue, RPD adjustment, RPD dynamic impressions