Chosun Ilbo ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowChosun ilbo is the Korean language daily newspaper in South Korea. This archive covers the first publication in 1920 to the present day of Chosun ilbo.
DBpiaThis link opens in a new window(USC login required)
Full-text scholarly journal articles by Nuri.
e-Article (EKS)This link opens in a new windowKorean full-text scholarly journal articles by EERIS. Covers all subjects.
KISSThis link opens in a new window(USC login required)
Korean Studies Information Service System. Full-text scholarly journal articles by KSI. 한국학술정보 전자저널 원문 데이터베이스.
KSI E-booksThis link opens in a new window한국학술정보 단행본 및 e-book.
MoazineThis link opens in a new windowMoazine (language: Korean) is a collection of Korean general readership magazines. It covers popular culture, arts, education, literature, politics, economy and society etc.
NK ProThis link opens in a new windowNK Pro (language: English) provides North Korea news, data analysis tools such as the North Korea Leadership Tracker, the North Korea Ship Tracker, the North Korea Aviation Tracker, Leading Indicator, and KCNA Watch.
Scholar (EKS)This link opens in a new windowKorean full-text scholarly journal articles by Kyobo Book & Hakjisa. Covers all subjects.
Digital Culture Art CourseThis link opens in a new windowContains over 1,300 digital lectures presented by well-known scholars and specialists. It covers architecture, art, literature, cinema, culture, music and philosophy of Korea. By DongBang Media.
History Culture SeriesThis link opens in a new windowA multi-media content database related to Korean history and culture. By ZININZIN.
Korea A2ZThis link opens in a new windowFull-text database on classical Korean literary works, history records, and articles from old newspapers & journals. Includes Samguk Sagi (삼국사기), Saso Samgyong (사서삼경), and the Digital Encyclopedia of National Culture (EncyKorea). By DongBang Media.
KRpiaThis link opens in a new windowFull-text from various dictionaries and encyclopedias, classical and modern literature, primary sources, etc. in Korean language.
KSDC DBThis link opens in a new windowThe unified database of Korea Social Science Data Center, which includes statistical yearbooks published by government, public institutions and overseas institutions of Korea.
LawnBThis link opens in a new windowKorean legal database for all law-related issues of Korea, such as statues, precedents, commentaries, administrative documents and statistics, academic articles, law journals, law-related news etc.