SOWK 627: Policy and Macro Practice in Child, Youth and Family Services: Home

Resources and materials for students taking SOWK 627.

Use the links below to get started with resources available at USC Libraries.

Want to access the USC Libraries? Need updates about how COVID-19 is affecting library access?  Access our catalog and other library resources on the USC libraries website
Need to find scholarly sources, peer-reviewed and empirical research? Use our the Find Research Materials page to find databases and journals
Looking for required readings for your courses?  Find readings in our course reserves system, ARES
Is there a print book that USC owns that you want to check out? Use our Home Delivery option to request items
Are you looking for an authoritative resource that defines and classifies mental disorders? Access the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) online via Psychiatry Online
Looking for USC services for people with disabilities?  Check out Accessibility & Disability Services at USC Libraries
Looking for APA 7th edition citation guidelines?  The library's APA citation guide includes formatting guidelines for in-text citations and reference pages
Looking for research resources targeted to your MSW concentration? Adult Mental Health and Wellness, Social Change and Innovation, Children, Youth and Families, School & Educational Settings, and Military Populations and Settings

Background Information

Explore the following reference resources for background information on a topic.