This link is to the "Educator" section of the CSOV.
"I compiled this list to help White Americans do so. One positive to emerge from these difficult times is the wealth of resources now available for White Americans. Never have I seen so many ideas, options, and concrete steps to take action against racism."
Includes classroom strategies, resources on social justice-oriented teaching, and resources to use in the classroom.
Facing History and Ourselves uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate.
"Before this website, it was impossible to search the web and find an accurate scope of the history of American lynching. The names have always been kept safe, but distant, in old archives and scholarly books and dissertations. This site leaves the record open for all Americans, especially high school students who want to learn more than what their textbook has to say."
"Our Teaching Tolerance project combats prejudice among our nation’s youth while promoting equality, inclusiveness and equitable learning environments in the classroom. We produce an array of anti-bias resources that we distribute, free of charge, to educators across the country – award-winning classroom documentaries, lesson plans and curricula, Teaching Tolerance magazine, and more."
"An introduction to the currents of American culture that led to 'Trumpism.'"
"World Trust offers Racial Equity Learning modules (REL) that support transformative learning while promoting institutional change. REL offers opportunities for self-discovery and collaboration that lends itself toward collective action."