Sources of Operating Grants 2003 by Goddard, Mollie Mudd.Call Number: HV97.A3 S68 2003
Publication Date: 2002-10-24
This one-of-a-kind resources helps you quickly locate hard-to-find funding for regular personnel, administrative, and other non-program-related operating expenses. You get basic how-to help on fundamentals for fund raising, plus profiles of more than 550 private-sector funders. Funder profiles include name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address; primary contact name;eligibility requirements; application information; geographic restrictions; giving properties; samples of recent grants awarded; financial information; and names of directors, officers, and trustees (when available). Also includes a comprehensive appendix of additional sources of grantwinning help, including funding directories, books, and periodicals on grant writing, and computer products that can help you win more grants.