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POSC 130g: Law, Politics, and Public Policy

News Coverage

These databases access news sources and can be used to measure the impact of a court decision or regulatory ruling through the coverage it received in the media.

Access World News -- comprehensive news collection for exploring issues and events at the local, regional, national and international level. Source types include print and online-only newspapers, blogs, newswires, journals, broadcast transcripts and videos.

Los Angeles Times -- offer full-text coverage from 1985 to the present.

New York Times -- offers full-text coverage from 1980 to the present.

Wall Street Journal -- offers full-text coverage from 1984 to the present.

Washington Post -- offers full-text coverage from 2008 to within three months of the present.

Besides those listed above, additional information about all of the newspapers available through the USC Libraries can be found here: LINK

Descriptions of resources are adapted or quoted from vendor websites.