Ludwig Marcuse (1894-1971)
In the mid 20s Marcuse met and married Erna (Sascha) Reich. In 1933 the Marcuses were forced to flee Nazi Germany, living first in Sanary, Southern France, then escaping in 1939 to the United States. They stayed briefly in New York before traveling to Los Angeles. Marcuse became an American citizen in 1944, a year later he began teaching German literature and German philosophy at the University of Southern California. In 1961 Marcuse retired from USC and the following year returned with his wife to Germany.
In Los Angeles the Marcuses lived at several addresses: 340 N. Oakhurst (shown above left) in Beverly Hills, 1870 Benedict Canyon Road in Hollywood, and 451 San Vicente Boulvevard (shown above right) in Santa Monica.
Years in Southern California: 1939-1962.
Autorenlexikon deutschsprachiger Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Edited by Manfred Brauneck. Reinbeck bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1991.
Briefe von und an Ludwig Marcuse. Edited by Harold von Hofe. Zürich: Diogenes, 1975.