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Feuchtwanger Memorial Library *: International Feuchtwanger Society

Personal materials, manuscripts and correspondences of German-Jewish writer Lion Feuchtwanger and his invaluable library. Collections on German-speaking exile artists who had to flee Europe and found refuge in Southern California

International Feuchtwanger Society (IFS)

Click here to get to the webpage of the INTERNATIONAL FEUCHTWANGER SOCIETY

This page contains information about upcoming conferences, membership and contact instructions, publications, and past newsletters.

About the IFS

On 11 July 2001 scholars and journalists from the US and Europe came together in Pacific Palisades (Los Angeles) to found the International Feuchtwanger Society. The Society aims to increase awareness of the life and works of Lion and Marta Feuchtwanger and other German émigrés who settled in Southern California during and after the Nazi period. Lion Feuchtwanger was a best-selling author in the US and pre-war Europe who became an important cultural link between the two continents.

The Society issues a regular Newsletter and holds a series of conferences alternating between the US and Europe. The first conference, which took place in spring 2003, was co-sponsored by the Feuchtwanger Memorial Library of the University of Southern California. It took place at the Villa Aurora, the Feuchtwanger's former home in Pacific Palisades. For information on future conferences, please use the link in the box above.

During the 1930s and 1940s, many German Jews and intellectuals fled Nazi Germany. At first many of them moved to neighboring European countries
seeking a haven for their religious and political views. As the National Socialists expanded their control throughout Europe, the German exiles were again in grave danger. Those who were able to escape across the Atlantic finally found safety in the United States. Some of these writers, artists, and intellectuals gathered in New York; however, Southern California's warm, Mediterranean-like climate attracted many to live on the West Coast.