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Maps Introduction

Maps are an integral part of wildfire management. Whether for firefighters on the ground, residents in nearby communities, or historians, maps of active fires and air quality can provide crucial information about the dangers associated with wildfire. What's more, monitoring burn patterns and understanding region post-wildfire can be integral in guiding management, planning, and mitigation. 

Active Fire Maps and GIS Databases

Active Fire Maps 

Cal Fire Incidents Map

Cal Fire's main webpage with up-to-date information about wildfires in California. 

BLM California Wildfire Dashboard (Public)

The Bureau of Land Management's public wildfire information page. Shows details of incidents within the last 24 hours. 

Fire Activity Map

University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Fire Activity Map. 

Frontline CA Fire Map

Map providing specific details about the perimeters of wildfires as well as hotspots. 

GIS Databases

Cal Fire Wildfire Perimeters and Prescribed Burns

The service includes layers that are data subsets symbolized by size and year.

U.S. Forest Service National Datasets

Data collected and managed by Forest Service programs available in a map service and downloadable formats.

Air Quality Maps

Air Quality Maps 

NOAA Smoke Predictions Across the United States (HRRR Weather Modeling) 

Experimental visualization of smoke and other fire-related factors on a map of the United States. 

CIRES Fire and Air Quality Resources 

Broad (not California-specific) collection of useful air quality resources. 

AirNow Fire and Smoke Map 

Federal resource that depicts live air quality and active wildfires. 

Bluesky USFS Smoke Forecasts 

Regional runs of smoke forecasts. See links to useful maps and visualizations. 

Purple Air Network of Home Sensors (PM2.5) 

Hyper-local air quality data collected from individual sensors and publicly shared at this link.