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The Science of Superheroes!

Superheroes in comics and movies can do amazing things! But are any of those things actually possible? Let's Find out!

Meet the Heroes


*Much of this information was gleaned from: and where original source material is referenced


Kal-El, aka Clark Kent, aka Superman

Created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster in 1938; first appeared in Action Comics #1. Kal-El was the infant son of Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van, scientists on the doomed planet Krypton. They placed Kal-El in an escape pod and sent him to Earth. He was found and adopted by Jonathon and Martha Kent, who named him Clark.

Because of the Earth's yellow sun (Krypton's sun was red), Superman has superhuman abilities:

  • Superhuman

Strength, Stamina, Endurance, Speed, Agility, Reflexes, Intelligence, Longevity, Hearing

  • Enhanced Vision

EM Spectrum Vision, Infra-red Vision, Microscopic Vision, Telescopic Vision, X-ray Vision

  • Flight
  • Invulnerability
  • Heat Vision
  • Freeze and Wind Breath
  • Healing Factor
  • Solar Energy Absorption


  • Kryptonian Physiology: Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, Superman possesses the same potential weaknesses as an average Kryptonian. These include:
  • Vulnerability to Kryptonite: Since the destruction of Krypton, its remains (rendered radioactive by the explosion) have been spreading throughout the universe as Kryptonite, a crystalline substance whose specific radioactive wavelength is lethal to Kryptonians native to this reality. The most common form of Kryptonite is Green Kryptonite, and its effect is directly poisonous to him. Kryptonite from other realities do not necessarily have the same effects on all Kryptonians. (Superman, v.1, no. 61)


  • Vulnerability to Magic: Superman's biomatrix is his most powerful asset, but the strength of this field is also its greatest weakness. Its permeability to certain wavelengths makes him vulnerable to certain radiations, particularly magical energies whose chaotic electromagnetic or extra dimensional signatures disrupt this force field. Superman's vulnerability to magic varies depending upon the special effects of the magic. He can be injured and worn down by magical entities. Magic can have powerful and unpredictable effects on Superman and his magical enemies have often proven to be the most dangerous.
  • Solar Energy Dependency: Kryptonian abilities will eventually weaken without replenishing their energy reserves with normal (yellow) sun radiation. When exposed to the same red solar radiation as Krypton's red sun Rao, it causes Kryptonians to lose their powers within a large amount of exposure until exposure to yellow sunlight reverses this effect. When exposed to orange solar radiation from a different galaxy, Superman's strength and abilities will drastically diminished, eventually weakening him. The radiation also affects his intellectual capacity and reduces his ability to think.
  • Sensory Overload: With his extremely acute senses, Superman can be overtaxed to the point of pain when encountered by extreme external stimuli such as hypersonics (hearing), balance, sight (flash bang).
  • Radiation Poisoning (formerly): Superman was exposed to deadly radiation during his encounter with the aliens from the Breach, causing him to rapidly age. He slowed the progression of his condition via regular infusions of rejuvanating magic from Enchantress, but this was undone by a sorceress working for Mongul.
  • Power Limitation: Superman's sickness has caused his powers to fade and weaken. Although still significantly stronger than a human he is less powerful than an average healthy Kryptonian.
  • The Black Tide: If Superman's chi flow is disrupted by being overwhelmed by this disturbed substance, he'll suffer from fatigue and pain; until he sub comes to unconsciousness. Eventually he will die, unless acupuncture is administered in time.
  • Lead: Superman cannot see through lead with his X-ray vision powers.
  • High-Pitched Noises: Because of his super hearing, Superman's ears are extra-sensitive to extreme noises. This gives individuals like Black Canary and Silver Banshee who use sonic screeches, a particular advantage in combat against him.
  • Psionics (or mental/psychic-based supernatural powers)



*Much of this information was gleaned from: and where original source material is referenced


Diana, princess of Themiscyra, AKA Diana Prince, AKA Wonder Woman, was sculpted from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons (though later iterations have her fathered by Zeus) and life was breathed into the statue by the Goddess Aphrodite. She was created by William Marston and his wife, Elizabeth Holloway Marston, drawn by artist H. G. Peter, and she first appeared in Sensation Comics #1 in 1941.


She was granted superhuman abilities by the gods, "beautiful as Aphrodite, wise as Athena, strong as Hercules, and swift as Hermes":


  • Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, flight, intelligence, senses, agility, and reflexes
  • Regenerative healing factor
  • Divine empowerment
  • Animal empathy
  • Immortality
  • Master martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant
  • Weapon proficiency
  • Voice mimicry
  • Energy absorption and projection
  • Utilizes Lasso of Truth, indestructible bracelets, projectile tiara, sword, shield, and invisible jet

  • Multilingualism


Weaknesses/ Vulnerabilities

  • Aphrodite’s Law:  “When an Amazon permits a man to chain her Bracelets of Submission together, she becomes weak as other women in a man-ruled world!"
  • Piercing Weapons: Diana is very durable when it comes to blunt force. However, she can still be subdued by piercing weapons, such as arrows or bullets.


  • Divine Loss: Wonder Woman’s powers are derived from the favor of the gods and her own divine nature, and so she is always limiting herself from going full-out and releasing her god powers in order to retain her humanity. Should the gods abandon her, her divine powers will be lost as well.
  • Lack or Long-Ranged Attacks: Wonder Woman also practices the Amazonian code of fairness, and so she lacks significant long-ranged attacks



*Much of this information was gleaned from: and where original source material is referenced

Bruce Wayne, AKA “The Batman,” was created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, and debuted in the 27th issue of the comic book Detective Comics on March 30, 1939. After witnessing the murder of his parents Thomas and Martha as a child, he bemoes a vigilante with an ideal of justice. He trains himself physically and intellectually, crafts a bat-inspired persona because criminals are a superstitious lot, invents a lot of cool “Bat” gadgets, and monitors the Gotham streets at night.

"Batman was created by writer Bill Finger and artist Bob Kane, first appearing in Detective Comics #27. (1939) Since then, Batman has been one of the most well-known DC Comics characters rivaling Superman and Wonder Woman, throughout his entire publication history and even in other media. This also extends to his supporting cast and his rogues gallery, particularly his archenemy the Joker."  (

Powers & Abilities

  • Genius Intellect: Bruce is easily one of the most intelligent beings in the DC Universe. He is a polymath capable of mastering 20 degrees in little time. Possesses a photographic memory. He can develop all sorts of weapons and gadgets, which range from his Batsuit, to viruses capable of taking powers away from metahumans and other superpowered beings. His detective skills are completely unmatched, and he can beat most foes just by outsmarting them.
  • Master Martial Artist: Batman has mastered every single martial art in the world, and by combining them all, he has created a completely unpredictable fighting style.
  • Lock Picking: Bruce learned how to pick a lock when he was in grade school. He can pick a handcuff locks in a few seconds, and can even pick a lock with his mouth.
  • Medical Science
  • Multilingualism: Batman is fluent in Portuguese, Dhari, Latin, Chinese, Greek, Icelandic, French, Gaelic, and Kryptonese. He can also understand American sign language and Argot of the Ancient Sea People.


  • Personal armor:  has the properties of both Kevlar and Nomex. It protects him from gunfire and other significant impacts, and incorporates the imagery of a bat in order to frighten criminals; Batsuit: The batsuit Batman wears is composed of Kevlar and a small percentage of titanium; it's bullet-proof and resistant to various types of attack (explosions, impacts, falls, among others). It is also flame-retardant and insulated. The gloves and the boots are reinforced to rebound the impact of punches and kicks. The gloves have some metallic blades on their sides. The cape is super-light and it can be used to glide. The mask has a small percentage of lead, which shields Batman's face from X-ray powers or X-ray technology, and incorporates an infrared and night vision viewer, auditory sensors and a sonar. The mask is accessorized with some security systems (aggravating gas, electric blasts, etc.) like the utility belt, and also integrates an audio and video transmitter receiver device.
  • Utility Belt: His Utility Belt is full of all his weapons and tools for any occasion.

  • Batarangs: Bat-shaped projectiles that are thrown with extreme precision. Batman also uses some variations, like:


  • Explosive Batarangs: Explode on contact.
  • Electric Batarangs: Shock opponents upon contact.
  • Thermal Batarangs: Can harden Clayface down to his core.
  • Ensnaring Batarangs: Used for tying up enemies.
  • Cryo Batarangs: Used for freezing enemies solid.
  • Magnetic Batarangs: Attracts metal objects.
  • Nth Metal Batarangs: Also attracts metalobjects, but with extra power.
  • Acid Batarangs: Burns the opponent.
  • Remote Controlled Batarangs: Can be controlled after being fired.
  • Grapple Gun: Batman's main form of maneuvering along buildings. He can use it to latch onto opponents.
  • Cryptographic Sequencer: A device that can hack into computers and radio frequencies.
  • Bolas: After being fired from a pistol, they trap the enemy with ropes. There exists a variation that delivers electric shocks.
  • Smoke Pellets: Batman uses them to overwhelm the opponent with white smoke.
  • Gas Pellets: These pellets emit a non-deadly gas that can incapacitate normal humans.
  • Pellet Grenades: Small explosives capable of breaing down walls.
  • Explosive Gel: Gel that can be stuck to someone/something until Batman detonates it.
  • Thermite Grenades: A device used to burn through obstacles.
  • Remote Electric Charge: Can be shot to overload electric devices, and electrocute and damage opponents. Not to be confused with the EMP, which is only used for disabling.
  • EMP Grenade: A small grenade which, once detonated, destroys all electronics in a seven foot radius. However, Batman has an EMP within his utility belt capable of spreading across Arkham Asylum.
  • Shock Gloves: His shock gloves can release an electric charge powerful enough to penetrate kevlar, and even stopped the heart of Batman's most powerful physical villian: Bane? (But he restarted it because he doesn't like to kill people)
  • Nerve-Killing Gloves: Gauntles that can disable the target's nerves.
  • Bat Beacon: Can attract a horde of bats into Batman's location at once to overwhelm the foe with sounds of bat screeches, or even attack enemies. He uses it by stomping on it, as it is built into the heel of his boot.
  • Sonic Gun: A gun that emits soundwaves. It is mainly used to direct the bats summmoned by the Bat Beacon.
  • Sonic Devastator: Emits a screeching sound that can shatter glass and even incapacitate enemies with its sheer sounds. Its range is one-hundred feet. It leaves opponents writhing in agony.
  • Line Launcher: A rope pistol that Batman can use as a zip-line.
  • Tranquilizer Gun: A gun that shoots non-lethal ammunition.
  • Laser: Used to some materials.
  • Concussion Mines: Improved Pellet Grenades capable of blowing up reinforced steel walls.
  • Glue Globules: Small pellets which encase the foe in a sticky substance.
  • Bat-Darts
  • Bat Stungun
  • Flamethrower
  • Acetylene Torch
  • Bat-Cuffs
  • Bat-Heater
  • Batlight
  • Batrope
  • Bat-Saw
  • Grapnel Gun
  • Lock Pick
  • Master Bat-Key
  • Night Vision Bat-Goggles
  • Rebreather
  • Evidence Bags
  • Fingerprint Dusting Kit
  • Batcall
  • Bat-Tracer
  • Communications Devices
  • Cryo-Capsules
  • Energy Deflector
  • First-Aid Kit
  • Kryptonite Ring
  • Bat-Camera
  • Micro-Cassette Recorder
  • Micro-Processor Power Source
  • Miniaturized Bat-Toolkit
  • Minicam and Recorder
  • Shark Repellent Bat Spray
  • Sonic Bat-Beacon
  • Wax Lips
  • Sound/Sonic Box

  • Batmobile:  Batman's primary vehicle; both a heavily armored tactical assault vehicle and a personalized custom-built pursuit and capture vehicle that is used by Batman in his fight against crime; the most technologically advanced crime-fighting asset in Batman's arsenal. It has many uses, such as vehicular pursuit, prisoner transportation, anti-tank warfare, riot control, and as a mobile crime lab. In some depictions, the Batmobile has individually articulated wheel mounts and is able to be driven unmanned or can be remotely operated.

  • Bat-Signal:  used by the Gotham City Police Department as a method of contacting and summoning Batman in the event his help is needed, but also as a weapon of psychological intimidation to the numerous criminals of Gotham City.

  • Batcave:  The Batcave is Batman's secret headquarters, consisting of a series of caves beneath his mansion, Wayne Manor. As his command center, the Batcave serves multiple purposes; supercomputer, surveillance, redundant power-generators, forensics lab, medical infirmary, private study, training dojo, fabrication workshop, arsenal, hangar and garage. It houses the vehicles and equipment Batman uses in his campaign to fight crime. It is also a trophy room and storage facility for Batman's unique memorabilia collected over the years from various cases he has worked on.


  • Humanity: While Batman fights along side almighty gods like Superman and Shazam, he is still a human, and thus can still be hurt by things that would damage a regular person.
  • Strategy: Bruce may be a brilliant tactician and formidable warrior, but he still requires preperation to defeat most of his foes, like his bouts with Superman.
  • Non-Lethal Arsenal: His arsenal is mostly based on weaponry designed to incapacitate opponents rather than killing them, leaving it difficult for the Caped Crusader to land a killing blow.
  • Trust Issues: Batman has a really hard time trusting people even some of his closest allies. Batman has a plan to take down his fellow Justice League of America members if they ever go rouge. This has lead many of his former friends to not trust Batman.
  • The Hellbat Suit: While the Hellbat is no doubt Batman's most powerful armor of all, it has one drawback, it's fueled by Batman's own life energy, specifically, his metabolism. Should any fight with the Hellbat go on for too long, Bruce may succumb to the suit's hunger before finishing the fight himself. But he has been able to avoid this problem by absorbing someone else's bio-mass for fuel... that works too.


*Much of this information was gleaned from: and  where original source material is referenced

Thor Odinson is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by artist Jack Kirby, writer Stan Lee, and scripter Larry Lieber, the character first appeared in Journey into Mystery #83 (August 1962), debuting in the Silver Age of Comic Books. Thor is based on the Norse mythological god of the same name. He is the Asgardian god of thunder, whose enchanted hammer Mjolnir enables him to fly and manipulate weather, among his other superhuman attributes.

Known Superhuman Powers: Thor's principal weapon is the enchanted hammer Mjolnir, one of the most formidable weapons known to man or god. Among the hammer's various enchantments are its indestructibility and the ability to summon all the elements of storm (wind, rain, thunder, and lightning). His hammer can be thrown both as a means of flight, and as a weapon that always returns to its wielder's hand. Thor's superhuman strength is matched with an immunity to all human diseases, superhuman speed, agility, and simulated flight when he hurls his enchanted hammer Mjolnir.




Thor nearly started a war by violating a truce with his family's ancient enemy --the Frost Giants. Odin, his father, banished the young god of thunder to Earth without his memory, to teach Thor how to behave as a mere mortal. Thor is forever torn between his divine home -- the hallowed halls of Asgard -- and the troubled lands of his adopted home, Earth.




"With great power comes great responsibility."


*Much of this information was gleaned from: and  where original source material is referenced

AKA:  Peter Parker

First appeared in Amazing Fantasy volume 1, #15; created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Orphan Peter Parker became Spiderman when he was bitten by a radioactive spider at a demonstration of radioactivity at General Techtronics Laboratories. After he failed to save one of his guardians, Uncle Ben, he learns the hard lesson, “With great power comes great responsibility.”


Know Superhuman Powers: Spider-Man possesses superhuman strength, reflexes, and equilibrium; the ability to cause parts of his body to stick with great tenacity to most surfaces; and a subconscious premonitional "danger" sence. The irradiated Common House Spider (Achaearanea tepidariorum) which bit Peter Parker was apparently already mutated from prior exposure to certain frequencies of radiation and received a final, lethal dose during Parker's attendance of the exhibition. The radioactive, complex mutagenic enzymes in the spider's blood that were transferred at the time of the bite triggered numerous body-wide mutagenic changes within Parker.


Spider-Man's overall metabolic efficiency has been greatly increased, and the composition of his skeleton, inter-connected tissues, and nervous system have all been enhanced. Spider-Man's musculature has been augmentedso that he can lift (press) about 10 tons. His reflexes are faster than an average human by about a factor of 15 (he is often able to dodge bullets, if he is far enough away). Spider-Man is extraordinarily limber and his tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being's, despite their enhanced strength. He has developed a unique fighting style that makes full use of his agility, strength, and equilibrium.


Spider-Man's exposure to the mutated spider venom induced a mutagenic, cerebellum-wide alteration of his engrams resulting in the ability to mentally control the flux of inter-atomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers. This overcomes the outer electron shell's normal behavior of mutual repulsion with other outer electron shells and permits the tremendous potential for electron attraction to prevail. The mentally controlled sub-atomic particle responsible for this has yet to be identified. This ability to affect the attraction between surfaces is so far limited to Spider-Man's body (especially conetrated in his hands and feet) and another object, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. Limits to this ability seem to be psychosomatic, and the full nature of this ability has yet to be established.

Spider-Man possesses an extrasensory "danger" or "spider" sensewhich warns him of potential immediate danger by tingling sensation in the back of his skull. The precise nature of this sense is unknown. It appears to be a simultaneous clairvoyant responce to a wide variety of phenomena (everything from falling safes to speeding bullets to thrown punches), which has given several hundredths of a second's warning, which is sufficient time for his reflexes to allow him to avoid injury. The sense also can create a general resonse on the order of several minutes: he cannot discern the nature of the threat by the sensation. He can, however, discern the severity of the danger by the strength of his response to it. Spider-Man's fighting style incorporates the advantage that his "spidey-sense" provides him.


Weapons: Spider-Man uses web-shooters which are twin devices worn on his wrists which can shoot thin strands of a special “web fluid” at high pressure. The web fluid is a shear-thinning liquid (virtually solid until a shearing force is applied to it, rendering it fluid) whose exact formula is as yet unknown, but is related to nylon. On contact with air, the long-chain polymer knits and forms an extremely tough, flexible fiber with extraordinary adhesive properties. The web fluid’s adhesive quality diminishes rapidly with exposure to air. (Where it does not make contact with air, such as the attachment disk of the web-shooter, it remains very adhesive.) After about 2 hour, certain imbibed ether cause the solid form of the web fluid to dissolve into a powder. Because the fluid almost instantly sublimates from solid to liquid when under shear pressure, and is not adhesive in its anaerobic liquid/solid phase transition point, there is no clogging of the web-shooter’s parts.

The spinneret mechanism in the web-shooter is machined from stainless steel, except for the turbine component, which is machined out of a block of Teflon and the two turbine bearings, which are made of amber and artificial sapphire. The wristlet and web fluid cartridges are mainly nickel-plated annealed brass. Spider-Man’s web cartridge belt is made out of brass and light leather and holds up to 30 cartridges. The cartridges are pressurized to 300 pounds per square inch and sealed with a bronze cap which is silver soldered closed. The wristlets have sharp steel nipples, which pierce the bronze cap when the cartridges are tightly wedged into their positions. A palm switch that is protected by a band of spring steel, which requires a 65 pounds pressure to trigger, actuates the hand-wound solenoid needle valve. The switch is situated high on the palm to avoid most unwanted firings. A rubber seal protects the small battery compartment. The effect of the very small turbine pump vanes is to compress (share) the web fluid and then force it, under pressure, through the spinneret holes which cold-draws it (stretches it: the process wherein nylon gains a four-fold increase in tensile strength), then extrudes it through the air where it solidifies. As the web fluid exits the spinneret holes, it is attracted to itself electro statically and thus can form complex shapes. The spinneret holes have three sets of adjustable, staggered openings around the turbine, which permit a single line, a more complex, spun web line, and a thick stream. The web line’s tensile strength is estimated to be 120 pounds per square millimeter of cross section. The 300 pounds per square inch of pressure in each cartridge is sufficient to force a stream of the complex web pattern an estimated 60 feet (significantly farther if shot in a ballistic parabolic arc).


*Much of this information was gleaned from: and  where original source material is referenced


Captain America

aka Steve Rogers, was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. He first appeared in Captain America Comics #1, published on December 20, 1940. Steve Rogers was a slight, slender "90 lb weakling" type until he was given the "Super Soldier" serum. His shield is made of  a vibranium and adamantium alloy and virtually indestructable.

STRENGTH LEVEL: Captain America represents the pinnacle of human physical perfection. While not superhuman, he is as strong as a human being can be. He can lift (press) a maximum of 800 pounds with supreme effort.

KNOWN SUPERHUMAN POWERS: Captain America has agility, strength, speed, endurance, and reaction time superior to any Olympic athlete who ever competed. The Super-Soldier formula that he has metabolized has enhanced all of his bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency. Notably, his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles, granting him phenomenal endurance.



Captain America has mastered the martial art of American-style boxing and judo, and has combined these disciplines with his own unique hand-to-hand style of combat. He engages in a daily regimen of rigorous exercise (including aerobics, weight lifting, gymnastics, and simulated combat) to keep himself in peek condition. Captain America is one of the finest human combatants Earth has ever known.

LIMITATIONS: Captain America is subject to all human vulnerabilities, although his immunity to diseases is extraordinary.

WEAPONS: Captain America's only weapon is his shield, a concave disk 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds. It is made of a unique Vibranium-Adamantium alloy that has never been duplicated. The Shield was cast by American metallurgist Dr. Myron MacLain, who was contracted by the U.S. government to create an impenetrable substance to use for tanks during World War II. During his experiments, MacLain combined Vibranium with an Adamantium-steel alloy he was working with and created the disc-shaped shield. MacLain was never able to duplicate the process due to his inability identify a still unknown factor that played a role in it. The shield was awarded to Captain America by the government several months after the beginning of his career.


The shield has great aerodynamic properties: it is able to slice through the air with minimal wind resistance and deflection of path. Its great overall resilience, combined with its natural concentric stiffness, enables it to rebound from objects with minimal loss of angular momentum. It is virtually indestructible: it is resistant to penetration, temperature extremes, and the entire electromagnetic spectrum of radiation. The only way it can be damaged in any way is by tampering with its molecular bonding.


*Much of this information was gleaned from: and  where original source material is referenced


The Incredible Hulk, aka Bruce Banner, PhD

was a American theoretical physicist, famed for his work in the fields of nuclear physics and gamma radiation. He was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1962.

He was bombarded with a massive dose of gamma rays while saving Rick Jones, a kid who had made his way onto the test site. He was mutated into a green behemoth, the living personification of rage, fueled by pure physical strength and would come to be known as the near mindless "Incredible Hulk". Fearful of the damage that Hulk could inflict, as well as fleeing from the military, he went on the run. (

Strength Level: The Hulk possesses superhuman strength of the Class 100 level, enabling him to lift (press) in excess of 100 tons. The Hulk only attains this strength level when he is enraged. In a totally, calm state his functional strength is significantly less, perhaps in the 70 ton range. In human form Bruce Banner possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in no regular exercise.

Known superhuman powers: The Hulk possesses the capacity for nearly limitless physical strength. The gamma radiation that mutated the Hulk's body fortified his cellular structure and added, from some as yet unknown source, over 800 pounds of bone marrow and tissue to his body.


Previously, this mutation was not a stable one. The Hulk would periodically revert o the human form of Bruce Banner, losing the extra mass and energy to the same as yet unknown source from which he derived it. The process by which Banner transformed into the Hulk had a chemical catalyst, adrenalinc. As in normal humans, Banner's adrenal medulla secrets large amounts of adrenaline in times of fear, range, or stress, which hormonally stimulates the heartbeat rate, raises blood-sugar levels, and inhibits sensations of fatigue. Whereas this secretion simply heightens normal physical abilities in normal human beings, in Banner's case it triggered the complex chemical/ extra-physical process that transformed him into the Hulk. The total transformation took from 25 seconds to as long as 5 minutes, depending on the initial adrenaline surge which is determined by the original, external stimulus. Soon after the transformation, the amount of adrenaline in the Hulk would return to more normal, reduced levels. However, since Dr. Leonard Samson separated the Hulk and Banner into two discrete beings, Banner remains in human form and the Hulk remains in his superhuman mutated one.

In times of stress the Hulk's adrenaline level escalates, causing a corresponding escalation in strength. This is not accompanied by an additional gain in mass, but does appear to promote increased levels of energy efficiency. To date the Hulk has never apparently been provoked into demonstrating a maximum output of strength; hence, its upper limit remains a mystery.


In addition to great strength, the Hulk's body possesses a high degree of resistance to injury, pain, and disease. The Hulk's skin is capable of withstanding great heat without blistering (up to 3,000° Fahrenheit), great cold without freezing (down to -190° F), and great impacts (he can survive direct hits by field artillery cannon shells). It is possible to injure him: he could not, for example, survive a near-hit with a nuclear warhead. The Hulk's highly efficient physiology renders him immune to all terrestrial disease.

The Hulk can use his superhumanly strong leg muscles to leap great distances. The Hulk has been known to cover 3 miles in a single bound.

The Hulk has two powers apparently not related to his physical attributes, he can see astral forms, and he as a seemingly mystical homing ability that enables him to locate the area in New Mexico where he first became the Hulk. The nature of these abilities is not yet known.

Abilities: Dr. Bruce Banner is a genius in nuclear physics. On the other hand, the Hulk has low intelligence, comparable to that of a small child, although he has an undeniable cunning that aids him in battle. When Banner and the Hulk were the same being, and Banner was in the Hulk's form, Banner's consciousness was buried within the Hulk's, and could influence the Hulk's behavior only to a very limited extent.


*Much of this information was gleaned from: and where original source material is referenced



aka, Arthur Curry, aka Orin

The son of a human lighthouse-keeper and the queen of Atlantis, Aquaman is the alias of Arthur Curry, who also goes by the Atlantean name Orin. Created by Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger, the character debuted in More Fun Comics #73 (November 1941)

Powers & Abilities

  • Atlantean Hybridized Physiology: Like most Atlanteans, Arthur Curry is an offshoot homo sapien who is biologically adapted to the deep ocean environment. For most Atlanteans, this means they can breathe underwater, endure the pressures of the deep (among other adaptations), and can only spend a very limited time out of water. However due to either Aquaman's hybrid nature or his royal heritage, he possesses a number of traits others of his mother's side of the species do not; for instance he can spend an elongated time on dry land with little ill effect and is shown to be 20–50 times stronger, faster, tougher and more or less tireless compared to others of his race. Also akin to other amphibian life is his ability to not only function indefinitely within water but to easily withstand the crushing depths of the ocean deep, as well as the harsh environment of the sea itself. These powers make Arthur among other things a super-Atlantean as well as superhuman.

  • Superhuman Durability: Tough enough to resist small arms fire with minor injury, the teeth of most trench dwellers break upon contact with his body. He survived an RPG blowing in his face and can thrive in the darkest, deepest bowels of the ocean deep suffering no discomfort. He even lived through falling back to Earth after being launched into orbit by Mera, coming back down hard on top of a sea monsters head, without injury.

  • Energy and Heat Resistance: Arthur has taken and lived through multiple energy blasts in the past, including being flash frozen by the dead king's ice magic. His ultimate resilience was tested when he dipped into an open lava bed beneath the sea and emerged unscathed.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Aquaman is able to function much longer than any human, without tiring or becoming weak.
  • Superhuman Senses: Aquaman's senses are several times more acute than human capacity; he once even heard a police siren from several miles away. His senses are similarly enhanced beyond the regular human norm, he can see perfectly fine in the pitch black abyss of an oceanic trench as well as hear things from a good distance away even while deep beneath the ocean line.

  • Superhuman Hearing
  • Superhuman Vision
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Aquaman's reflexes are heightened to levels far beyond that of any human.
  • Superhuman Speed: Arthur is phenomenally fast be it while running or swimming. In the sea he was able to outrace a spy plane owned by The Operative which can travel up to speeds of Mach 5.
  • Superhuman Strength: Aquaman's super-Atlantean status enables him to lift insurmountable amounts of weight, for instance towing around fishing boats while tidal waves were crashing down upon them. He is capable of knocking the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman several dozen feet away with singular blows, lifting a 160000 ton Sea Liner barehanded, and lifting and throwing a sunken cargo ship. Some of his greatest feats of might include pushing a tectonic plate over the entrance to the trench's lair, and matching the legendary Hercules blow for blow.
  • Super-Leaping: Aquaman can make use of his powerful bodily muscles to launch himself into the air, either jumping on and off land or propelling himself out of open water like a torpedo.
  • Accelerated Healing: Aquaman is able to recover from wounds far quicker then any human. It took him a matter of days to recover from his fight with the Shaggy Man.
  • Latent Magic: Aquaman has the underlying potentiality to cast and manipulate arcanum. Normally he needs an item of power through which he can channel these abilities; like an imperial polearm of national design. An effect which is usually accompanied with a bright golden glow in his eyes, but at times he's been able to use such talents even without his ceremonial trident. Indicating this power is more innate than reliant on a channeling apparatus.

  • Magic Resistance: Arthur is more resilient against arcane forces thanks to his dormant magical capacity.
  • Life Force Connection: Aquaman has access to one of the seven hidden forces of reality related to the life-giving powers of the oceans themselves. This gives him access to a great many undisclosed abilities the likes of which he has yet to access on his own. Through the Life Force, Arthur is connected to all living beings as he is to the life giving waters which they spring from. Enabling the established supernatural link to any and all sentient entities throughout the cosmos and back towards earth.
  • Marine Telepathy: While popular belief is often debated about Aquaman talking to fish or other aquatic fauna. He can 'Hear' the voice of the sea and 'Communicate' with its many denizens living within it along with those who spring from it. Being capable of sending out worldwide telepathic broadcasts with ease, and when necessary. Across space & time beyond mere oceanic psychic ability. Something Arthur has been able to do since when he was very young. He was able to assume control over the mind of the great sea Leviathan Topo but with extreme levels of difficulty as the stress of such an act left him comatose for six months. It seems Aquaman has developed better control over his power as commanding Topo to sunder a dreadnought from Thule wasn't as difficult as it used to be.
  • Transformation: Through his use of the Life Force, Arthur could restore fallen gods to their divine selves once again. Even revitalizing them after they'd been subsumed into the primordial goddess Mother Salt. He could also use his powers to keep a divine beast from overtaking Caille's body and mind, enabling her to assume it's power without losing herself to it.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Arthur has beaten Black Manta in one-on-one combat. It has been revealed that Arthur was trained by Wonder Woman. Aquaman has admitted that he has trained with Batman.


  • Multilingualism: Arthur can speak some Polynesian.
  • Equipment
  • Trident of Neptune: Forged from enchanted gold by Atlan, first king of Atlantis, the Trident of Neptune serves as a symbolism of the royal line. Arthur wields the Trident as both his right to rule and as a lethal weapon which can pierce mystical defences and draw blood from New Gods like Darkseid. He eventually lost this trident when the villainous Siren, posing as Mera, usurped his leadership and kingdom, but he has since regained it. Arthur eventually learned his trident is empowered by magical energies. The Trident of Neptune strengthened him by awakening his own dormant mystical capacity, enabling to combat magic in many forms. The Trident was destroyed during Aquaman's battle with the Abyssal Dark-possessed Rath, and currently sits broken in Atlantis.
  • Energy Transference: The trident of Atlan has a natural proclivity to absorb, distill, channel and redistribute magical energy both from it's host and outside sources. Enabling the Aquaman to harness and manipulate his own inherent magical power through it, being able to create bundles of arcane energy to attack his enemies with. His magical abilities are likely due to his regal inheritance. He has already been able to overthrow the Crown of Thorns using his innate magical power as well as resist the effect of others' spells and enchantments.
  • Eldritch Blast: Arthur can combine his magic and that of the trident to execute great explosions of magic; these explosions are capable of destroying Atlantean fortresses. Through his trident Arthur can discharge potent blasts of raw esoteric power which can put down even the most savvy of magic practitioners.
  • Force Field: He is able to generate barriers of energy through his trident.
  • Physical Augmentation: The magic of his trident seemingly made Arthur all the more powerful as he absorbed its mystical energies.
  • Trident of Poseidon: A divine blessing bestowed upon him by its previous wielder Poseidon. The trident given to Arthur blessed him with a host of mystical powers and enchantments as a means to help him battle the invading force known as the Thule. He eventually sacrificed it in order to destroy the encroachment of dimensions, but has been lent a replacement by the gods since then. He put this to full use in the League's war against the mad god Rao, conjuring a massive tidal wave teaming with sea horses. Arthur was gifted the relic by Poseidon once again when the vengeful Triumvirate of Sea Gods, who were wronged by the Grecian ocean divinity millennia ago, came to drown the world. After a lengthily battle with the ancient primal adept Namma with help from a cabaret of old gods, Father Sea would bestow Arthur with his trident once again.
  • Divine Empowerment: After receiving the blessing and trident from the Olympian God of the seas, Poseidon, Aquaman gained various mystical powers.
  • Weather Manipulation: Aquaman states control over the storm, rain, wind, thunder, and lightning was bestowed upon him.
  • Electrokinesis: Aquaman was capable of summoning bolts of lightning from his trident.
  • Electro-Blast: Aquaman could project powerful bolts and arcs of electricity from his trident.
  • Hydrokinesis: Through both his blessings and the Trident given to him, Arthur was able to bend and manipulate water around himself for various purposes.
  • Hydroportation: With an extent water source, Arthur could teleport global-interplanetary distances at will.
  • Cryokinesis: Aquaman was able to use his trident to summon large icicles from the ground, and freeze an Atlantean by grabbing him.
  • Thule Magic Resilience: With the blessing he received from Poseidon, Aquaman was granted a degree of defense against magic, most prominently the magic of Thule users.
  • Bane Field Manipulation: Even before receiving Poseidon's gifts Arthur showed a limited capacity to bend the poisonous aura of Thule realm structures.
  • Flight: By Poseidon's blessings, Arthur could fly unaided.
  • Shell of Sounds: Given to him by his mother. A relic that can contain recorded memories and dialog from the user, in order to convey their memories to future generations.
  • Tenth Metal Armor: During his final battle with the Dark Knights and Barbatos, Aquaman and other members of the Justice League were gifted with suits of armor made from the element of creation itself. The Tenth Metal enables the changing and reshaping of all reality. Using the Element X armor, all of Arthur's natural powers were greatly bolstered. Tenth Metal can also change and morph its physical shape as well as bring the wearer's thoughts and desires into reality. Arthur wearing the Tenth Metal armor caused Atlantis to rise out of the ocean into open air, as this was something he subconsciously wished for.
  • Hook Hand/Cybernetic Hand: During an incident where Aquaman's left hand was eaten by piranhas he got a replacement hand in the form of a hook hand. Eventually STAR Labs created a prosthetic that is multifunctional. It’s main weapon is a retractable harpoon, could be drawn into its casing to be temporarily replaced with a prosthetic hand. The Harpoon can be used as a grappling hook to get to higher places. The Harpoon itself can support 2 tons without breaking. It can even spin at high speeds and become a drill - easily able to drill through solid rock. It can even distribute a power electrical charge to the enemy. The Hook Hand can also entangle enemies. Eventually Arthur gained a new prosthetic hand that functioned as his normal hand does but it also has a unique feature is that it can morph into any blunt weapon such as a shield and a mace
  • Water Hand: After he lost his metal hand he was given a new water based on by the Lady of the Lake. It is magical and gives him brand new abilities.
  • Hydrokinesis: With the Water Hand, Aquaman can freely manipulate the water. Aquaman can manipulate vast amounts of water in various ways. He can fire scalding water jets off extreme pressure and split tidal waves in half as shown here as well as controlling giant tidal waves


Dehydration: Though he can survive on land just as easily as he does in the water, Aquaman does need the oceans to survive, and the longer he remains away from the water, the weaker he becomes. However, he can fight for hours before this starts to take its toll.

Underestimated: Even though Aquaman is one of the most powerful beings on earth he is still often underestimated by the humans of earth.


*Much of this information was gleaned from: and  where original source material is referenced


Black Panther, aka, King T’Challa of Wakanda

Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, first appeared in Fantastic Four #52, 1966.

“T'Challa a.k.a. the Black Panther  is the Head of state of the African nation of Wakanda, the most technologically advanced country on Earth. In this role, he was the King/Chieftain, religious leader, and commander-in-chief all rolled into one. He is also considered among the top intellects in the world. Using Wakanda's advanced Vibranium technology and his own abilities and fortune, he pledged his life to the service of all humankind. He would go on to become a prominent member of the Avengers, and eventually become leader of the team.” 


Strength Level: The Black Panther is near the pinnicle of human physical perfection, his natural strength and abilities having been heightened by unidentified heart-shaped herb administered only to Wakandan kings during a sacred ascension ritual. Tee herb is also only in Wakanda. While not superhuman, he is nearly as strong as a human being can become. He can lift (press) a maximum of 750 pounds with supreme effort.


Known Superhuman Powers: None

Abilities: An accomplished gymnast and acrobat, T'Challa is also an expert tracker. In addition, he has mastered various African martial arts.

Weapons: T'Challa's Vibranium micro-weave bodysuit not only stops bullets, but saps their momentum. His boots' Vibranium soles absorb sound and impact -- enabling him to leap from structures up to eight stories tall and land without injury, and literally run up the sides of buildings. The Panther's retractable claws contain a new composite of the experimental "anti-metal" Vibranium that can break down other alloys.

T'Challa wields an energy dagger that can be fired, thrown or handled like a knife. At its highest setting, the weapon easily can cut through forged steel.






*Much of this information was gleaned from: and  where original source material is referenced


Iron Man

AKA, Anthony Edward ("Tony") Stark 

“Tony Stark is a genius inventor and billionaire industrialist, who suits up in his armor of cutting-edge technology to become the super hero Iron Man. The adopted son of weapons manufacturer Howard Stark, Tony inherited his family's company at a young age following his parents' death.

 Tony grew up a genius with a brilliant mind for technology and inventions and, naturally, followed in his father’s footsteps, inheriting Stark Industries upon his parents’ untimely death. Tony designed many weapons of war for Stark Industries, far beyond what any other company was creating, while living the lifestyle of a bon vivant.

Fate would take a dark turn for Tony Stark once he decided to consult on a weapons contract overseas in enemy terrain. An improvised explosive device exploded underneath Tony’s transport, and he was brought to the brink of death.

Awakening as a prisoner of the warlord Wong-Chu, Tony made a gruesome discovery: the explosion had sent a piece of shrapnel mere inches from his heart. It was only the timely intervention of fellow captive and engineer Yinsen that kept the shrapnel at bay.While held captive, and forced to work on weapons, Tony turned his near-death experience into inspiration. What if he could power an iron suit that would not only keep the shrapnel from killing Tony, but also help him to escape?;




Strength level: Without his armor Tony Stark possesses the normal strength of a normal human man his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. His armor magnifies Stark strength to superhuman levels, enabling him to lift (press) roughly 85 times.


Known superhuman powers: none

Other abilities: Tony Stark is a genius who is a responsible for numerous major discoveries, inventions, and other achievements in various areas of technology.

Weapons and paraphernalia: Iron Man wears a sophisticated suit a body armor containing various offensive weaponry.




*Much of this information was gleaned from: and where original source material is referenced


The Flash (or simply Flash) is the name of several superheroes appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Harry Lampert, the original Flash first appeared in Flash Comics #1 (cover date January 1940/release month November 1939). Nicknamed "the Scarlet Speedster", all incarnations of the Flash possess "superspeed", which includes the ability to run, move, and think extremely fast, use superhuman reflexes, and seemingly violate certain laws of physics

Thus far, at least five different characters—each of whom somehow gained the power of "the Speed Force"—have assumed the mantle of the Flash in DC's history: college athlete Jay Garrick (1940–1951, 1961–2011, 2017–present), forensic scientist Barry Allen (1956–1985, 2008–present), Barry's nephew Wally West (1986–2011, 2016–present), Barry's grandson Bart Allen (2006–2007), and Chinese-American Avery Ho (2017–present). Each incarnation of the Flash has been a key member of at least one of DC's premier teams: the Justice Society of America, the Justice League, and the Teen Titans.


The Flash first appeared in the Golden Age Flash Comics #1 (January 1940), from All-American Publications, one of three companies that would eventually merge to form DC Comics. Created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Harry Lampert, this Flash was Jay Garrick, a college student who gained his speed through the inhalation of hard water vapors. When re-introduced in the 1960s Garrick's origin was modified slightly, gaining his powers through exposure to heavy water.

Powers & Abilities

  • Speed Force: After Barry was struck by a bolt of lightning and doused with chemicals, it created the Speed Force - a mysterious cosmic force that pushes time and space itself forward. As it does this, the Speed Force creates excess energy that builds up and needs to be released. The Flash is effectively the Speed Force's release valve. When Barry uses his powers, he taps into that built up energy and expends it. After teaching himself, along with being trained by Fuerza, his future self, and Max Mercury; Barry learned a greater and more profound understanding of his powers, helping him gain mastery over them. Barry is a master of the science of the Speed Force. He has also stated that he can evolve when it comes to the terms of his powers. Barry's connection to the Speed Force even remains intact when traveling to other universes that don't have the Speed Force.

Speed Force Formula:  3x2(9YZ)4A=?

  • Godly Speed: Barry is capable of moving at incredible superhuman speeds. While running, he can only be perceived as a blur. He is far faster than Superman and Supergirl, and was fast enough to repair an entire city without anyone realizing he ever left the room. He's so fast in fact time seems to slow down around him, making him appear to be invisible to others within their relative time frame. Barry has stated that he can clear out the entire population of Tokyo (around 38 million people) in only 30 seconds. He has also moved fast enough to battle the Shade's shadows, which moved at the speed of light. He is so fast that even when time is frozen around him, he's still capable of moving. Barry stated that when moving at the speeds he does, a second can feel like days, a meaningful glance can linger for a lifetime, and a moment of regret can be an eternity for him. Flash's speed is so impressive, that he managed to race throughout the whole multiverse, just to check the cosmic vibrational frequencies of each Earth. He often holds back his speed out of fear of tearing a hole in time and space itself. Barry is one of the two fastest beings on the planet alongside Wally West, though he is still slower than him.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Barry's reaction time is augmented to superhuman levels. His great reflexes have allowed him to perform feats such as dodging lightning. His body sends pain messages to his brain at such a velocity that the femtosecond he feels something, he will react.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Barry's body can handle the stress of moving at superhuman speeds for long periods of time without out getting tired or weak. After being pricked by one of Poison Ivy's toxic thorns, he ran at supersonic speed for more than a day, just to keep the toxin from metabolizing into his bloodstream. Even after running in circles for days non-stop, to keep the toxin from taking over; Barry still had enough stamina to run back and rescue Batman. Barry can maintain a state of vibrating his molecules for hours on end, even without gravity, before passing out.
  • Superhuman Agility: Barry's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels. This allows him to easily maneuver and leap far distances while moving at superhuman speed.
  • Superhuman Strength: The Flash can use his speed to amplify his natural strength. He was able to easily smash through the metal wall of a subway train, as well as strike Superman hard enough to send him crashing through a wall. He also carried the Statue of Mercury from Central City all the way back to Corto Maltese. Barry was also strong enough to hurl Wally West across a street and into a building, while moving at super speed, as well as pull a van that was carrying ten people. Barry was also able to easily snap Captain Boomerang's metal boomerangs, using his hands.
  • Speed Force Aura: The Flash's body is surrounded by a "friction cushion", a field of kinetic absorbent energy that protects him and anyone who is running with or carried by him from the rigorous effects of using his speed. Including friction, airborne particulate matter, heavy impacts, G-Force and the like.
  • Superhuman Durability: Thanks to his protective Speed Force aura, Barry is capable of resisting tremendous kinetic impact forces that could easily crush or kill a human, without suffering any serious external or internal injuries. He was able to hit Gorilla Grodd with enough to force to shatter his own armor, and suffered no injury. Barry has also fought Shadow Demons hand-to-hand, who can disintegrate positive matter beings.
  • Accelerated Healing: Barry can heal much faster than any regular human. His arm healed within minutes of it being crushed. He was also able to quickly heal from the "bone crushing pressure" and "antagonizing trauma" of being 2,000 feet below the ocean, which dealt extreme damage to his body.
  • Aerokinesis: By rotating his arms at super speed or running in a circular motion, Barry can create strong vortexes of wind. He has also used the slipstream of airflow created by his speed to draft millions of gallons of water behind him to keep a small village from flooding, and pull two 600-ton barges behind him.He even managed to save a train from jumping off the tracks by creating a slipstream to carry and cushion it, right before creating a vortex to make it stop. Hawkman stated that when Barry and Wally ran around the world at immense speed, they created winds stronger than he had ever felt over all of his lives.
  • Dimensional Travel: Barry is capable of using his speed to travel to other universes within the multiverse, and was even the first person to ever do this, when he traveled between Prime Earth and Earth-Two. By running at the speed of light, Barry can open a portal into the Speed Force itself, allowing him to enter and exit the dimension at will. Using his Speed Mind also enables him to willingly enter the Speed Force, and even bring others with him. He was also able to run into the Negative Speed Force alongside Eobard Thawne. Barry can also create dimensional portals by projecting his Speed Force energy.
  • Electrokinesis: Barry is able to generate and manipulate the electrical energy he draws from the Speed Force. By focusing the lightning in his hands, Barry is able to enhance his strikes, generate lightning to provide people with warmth, as well as electrocute people on contact. When generated at high volumes, Barry's Speed Force energy is powerful enough to disrupt the Green, the Microverse, and even Magic, as well as easily destroy Green Lantern constructs on contact. He can even pull the entire Speed Force into his body. Barry's electrokinesis is so receptive and potent that he can rejuvenate himself by absorbing lightning from another source, even if it's not from the Speed Force. The Flash can even extend his energy to every living being on the planet.

  • Electro-Blast: By focusing his frequency, Barry can turn his body into a lightning rod, in order to build up a Speed Force charge and redirect it. By doing this, he can project bolts of lightning from his hands. Barry was also able to forcefully discharge a large burst of lightning from his entire body, to knock back Professor Zoom.
  • Electromagnetism: Due to his electrical abilities, Barry is able to manipulate magnetism to some extent. He can use his lightning to create electromagnetic fields, as well as create a thermal expansion that allows Barry's suit to be stored in his ring. Barry can also use this ability to conduct the pieces of his suit, in order to form it around himself. He can also cause his mask to unravel on command.
  • Energy Transformation: When using excess amounts of Speed Force energy, Barry enters a supercharged state where he essentially becomes pure energy. While in this state, Barry's powers are heightened. While in this state, Barry can move so fast, that he can exist on multiple planes of reality at once. According to Pied Piper, if he wasn't careful, he'd run the risk of hurting himself and/or anyone around him.
  • Light Projection: Barry is able to generate blinding amounts of light through his Speed Force lightning.
  • Speed Force Absorption: By interlocking energy currents, Barry can drain away the Speed Force or Negative Speed Force, from speedsters or other energy sources, such as a Speed Force storm. Though if the one the Speed Force is being stolen from resists, they may be killed, unless the energy is distributed among multiple people. When drained of his Speed Force energy by Daniel West, Barry was able to directly absorb it back.
  • Speed Force Negation: By interlocking his Speed Force energy currents with another speedster, Barry is able to temporarily short circuit the other speedsters power, causing a "lightning burst".


  • Enhanced Mental Process: By tapping into the Speed Force with his brain, Barry can eliminate the natural bottle-necking of information, that occurs due to the limits of human physiology. Because of this, Barry can think exponentially faster than any normal human, and possesses superhuman mental processing. He has managed to keep track of and process all of a security room's computers in order to watch over a total of 400 people for an unveiling event, while undercover with Batman. Barry's mind moves so fast that he is heavily resistant to mind control and possesses some resistance to other psychic attacks, because of this. According to Superman, he can think 3 moves ahead of most people, except for Barry and Wally themselves. Barry can think quickly, mapping out the potential outcomes of a situation and reading books in an instant.

  • Speed Mind: By tapping into the Speed Force with his brain, Barry has the ability to tactically assess and predict the numerous possible and probable outcomes of most any given situation. By playing advanced variable examinations within his head he can simulate a quick pre-play sequence of a number of causes, effects and inevitable outcomes at an accelerated rate. Barry's speed mind has also allowed him to instantly learn to operate a Green Lantern Ring. Barry can even use the Speed Mind to send his consciousness into the Speed Force to check other timelines as well.
  • Enhanced Senses: The Speed Force grants Barry enhanced senses that allow him to perceive the world at a rate attuned his reaction speed. He can feel the slightest changes in air pressure around him, as well as electromagnetic pulses, in objects such as glass. He can also sense the whereabouts of other Speed Force conduits, by using their connection as a homing beacon and track them. Flash can even sense the vibrational frequency of any world in the multiverse.
  • Enhanced Vision: Barry was able to vibrate his eyes fast enough in order to "see" the type of hard energy that the monster constructs he was fighting were made of. Barry also has an expanded sight/seeing range, allowing him to see things before the light from them reaches the pupil of his eye. While vibrating at super speed, he even managed to see Golden Glider who appeared invisible to everyone else. Barry can watch camera video feed in fast forward and perceive each individual image frame by frame. Due to his powers, Barry can also see supernatural beings that remain invisible to most people, e.g. the House of Mystery or spirits.
  • Speed Force Empathy: The Speed Force grants Barry an empathetic connection to other conduits of the Speed Force, allowing Barry to sense their emotions.
  • Speed Force Visions: The Speed Force will sometimes give Barry visions of the future as a warning sense. The visions are fast but largely incoherent, piecing together bits and pieces of random upcoming events that have yet to happen.
  • Molecular Acceleration: Barry can vibrate his own molecular structure at varying degrees for a number of purposes, by adjusting to different frequencies. As he does that to a high enough degree he causes things to explode. When possessed by the vengeful ghost of the Keystone Killer, Allen was able to turn the tables by adjusting his frequency in order to contain his essence instead. Flash can vibrate so fast as he vibrated 10,000 vibrations per second to destroy a mirror monster created by Mirror Master. Even when his vibrations were disrupted and his molecules were scattered apart, Barry still managed to reassemble his body's molecules and atoms, back to normal. He managed to break free from false reality housed in a mechanical virtual prison, made by Paradox just by vibrating. When vibrating at a certain frequency, Barry can also disrupt constructs of magic.
  • Intangibility: By accelerating his molecular frequency to a high enough degree, Barry can make his body intangible and allow projectiles to pass through him. Flash can use this ability to bypass dangers, such as explosions.
  • Invisibility: When vibrating at super speed Barry can render his body unseen by most people.
  • Phasing: By vibrating his molecules on an atomic level, and by doing so at just the right frequency, he can allow himself to become momentarily intangible, and phase through objects.
  • Thermokinesis: Barry can use his vibrations to generate heat, especially when it comes to thawing people out of ice or just warming people up.
  • Retrocognition: Barry has shown on multiple occasions that he can remember certain events erased from his mind. He was able to remember Wally West when he reached out to Barry though the Speed Force, despite his memories of Wally being erased. He was also able to remember his pre-flashpoint history with Eobard Thawne.
  • Speed Force Sharing: Barry is able to use the Speed Force to "lend" velocity to objects or people already in motion. Barry may lend his speed and angular momentum to another object or person. This may allow others to run alongside with the Flash. Barry did this with Wallace West by "locking" him in with his speed, granting him the boost needed to move at Barry's speed.
  • Speed Steal: Barry admits that he can steal speed from others, but he needs to be in close range in order to do it. When infected by the Negative Speed Force, Barry stole all of Reverse-Flash's speed.
  • Time Acceleration: During one of his battles with Professor Zoom, Barry realized that he can use the Speed Force to move time forward, allowing him to speed up the flow of time. By doing this, Barry was able to negate Zoom's power to slow time. In this instance, this power caused Barry's lightning to turn white. In a battle with the Turtle, Barry used the Speed Force to connect with every living being on the planet, in order to speed up time a few seconds into the future and bring everyone else with him, except for the Turtle.
  • Time Travel: Barry can use his speed to travel throughout the time stream. While originally needing the cosmic treadmill to time travel, as of his battle with Zoom, Barry is able to time travel without it. Barry has also raced along the borders of hypertime, the part of the time stream where overarching and interconnected web of timelines and realities exist. Because of Barry's ability to travel through time, he has the power to potentially alter the timeline, as he had previously changed it on his own power, during the Flashpoint.

  • Cosmic Awareness: Barry has broken the 4th wall.
  • Genius Level Intellect: Barry possesses a great knowledge of chemistry and forensic sciences. He has trained Jessica Cruz how to utilize her Power Ring better, with his own knowledge and experience with Green Lantern technology. Barry admitted to having once controlled his mass through vibration to allow the laws of gravity to kick in while hurtling toward space even though he was almost blacked out from oxygen loss because he realized he had reached escape velocity. He was capable of creating his own alloy for the conception of his Flash Ring, whenever he accesses the Speed Force. Along with creating a new element known to few people, called Lighzinium. Barry has shown smart enough to outwit Dr. Alchemy, who possessed the combined knowledge and experience of previous owners who also claimed the title of Dr. Alchemy, themselves. Despite his unique speed, Barry is not above coming up with a plan and/or investigating about a situation ahead of time, before prompting into a fight. Barry has also shown that he can adjust to almost any scenario, such as his brief experiences utilizing a Green Lantern Ring, the Strength Force, Still Force, and Negative Speed Force.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Due to him having police training and being trained by Batman and Wonder Woman. Barry became a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Skilled enough where he managed to beat the likes of Grodd who had the power super speed. Indomitable Will: Barry possesses enough willpower to operate a Green Lantern Ring. Flash's will is so strong, that even when contaminated by the Flood thus being to turn into a sea creature in the process. Barry still continued to fight among the Justice League even in his state when he was being bombarded with thoughts and commands from Black Manta to fight for him, who at the time had a connection to the Life Force.
  • Investigation: Barry is a master detective, even Batman couldn't tell who was the better detective between the two of them. Superman has stated that Barry is one of the best CSIs and Detectives in the world.


  • Power Instability: According to Nightwing, the Flash needs room to operate while in a hand-to-hand battle. When an opponent gets in close, Barry's blows are so fast, they could start to land on his own body.
  • Vulnerability to Dimensional Bursts: Amanda Waller stated that the Speed Force which fuel Barry Allen's powers can be disrupted by a potent enough extradimensional energy burst. She selected Cisco Ramone as a member of the Counter League Task Force to oppose the Justice League to work against the Flash, as Vibe's powers could disrupt his connection to the force in various ways. During one of their bouts, Barry permanently lost some of his speed due to Vibe's attack.
  • Vulnerability to Extreme Temperatures: If Barry is shot, hit, or falls for a trap that includes extreme temperatures of hot or cold. It can affect his durability and/or nullify his Speed Force abilities.
  • Vulnerability to Heat
  • Vulnerability to Cold
  • Vulnerability to EMP: If Barry becomes trapped in containment cell that involves an electromagnetic pulse, he will be unable to vibrate out to escape.
  • Roller Coasters: Barry is afraid of roller coasters

The Flash, vol. 1, issue 195, 1970

  • In a different timeline, when he actually used his time traveling abilities to go back in time and save his mother's life, but ended up ruining the entire universe instead.
  • It's possible for others to disrupt his connection to the Speed Force, making him loose his abilities.




*Much of this information was gleaned from : and where original source material is referenced



 is a legacy super-hero name, primarily associated with the ability to shrink in size. The original was Hank Pym; he was a founding member of the Avengers. Scott Lang took the name, an ex-con who broke into the New Jersey home of Dr. Henry Pym, and stole the Ant-Man's Suit. Lang has been a member of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and Future Foundation. Eric O'Grady took the mantle until his death.

Early Life

Scott Lang was born and raised in Coral Gables, Florida, the son of Bob Lang. He later became an electronic engineer and met and married Peggy Rae. Together they had a daughter Cassandra "Cassie" Lang. Although he was an electronics expert he could not support his family doing repair work, so he turned his talents to burglary. Apprehended, he served his prison sentence and was paroled for good behavior. During his time in prison, however, Peggy divorced him. Lang had furthered his studies of electronics while in prison and was soon hired by Stark International to work in its design department.


When his daughter Cassie was diagnosed as having a serious congenital heart condition, Lang sought the aid of surgeon Dr. Erica Sondheim. Desperate to help his daughter, Lang decided to return to thievery. Breaking into the New Jersey home of Dr. Henry Pym, Lang stole Ant-Man's Suit. Unknown to him, Pym observed the theft and in his guise as Yellowjacket, followed Lang, curious to see what use he would put the paraphernalia.

Garbed as Ant-Man, Lang broke into Cross and discovered Dr. Sondheim was held prisoner by Darren Cross, president of CTE, who needed Sondheim to correct his own heart condition. Rescuing Sondheim and defeating Cross, Lang was relieved when Sondheim was able to save the life of his daughter. Lang intended to return the Ant-Man costume to its owner and turn himself in, but Henry Pym offered to let him keep them, provided Lang put them to lawful use.


Power Grid:       


Pym Particles: Ant-Man carried a supply of Pym Particles in his belt, allowing him to reduce himself to the size of an ant, approximately one-half inch in height, by means of a rare group of sub-atomic particles, the source of which is as yet unknown, which he is able to contain in magnetic-field "canisters" (the shape of the magnetic lines of force were made visible by the confined particles, whose concentration caused them to behave like a gas).

These particles, whose wavelength is in the mental range when released, allow Ant-Man to will himself and other objects to reduce in size or enlarge. The mechanics involved having most of the mass of the nucleus of each affected atom convert into energetic particles which take up orbit around the nucleus - thus, although gravitation do not affect these particles, the mass of the original volume remains intact.

This means a punch delivered by the half-inch high Ant-Man would feel like the blow of a normal-sized man. Ant-Man's reducing particle has no time limit to its potency.



  • Electrical Engineer: Scott has a masters degree in electrical engineering.
  • Master Thief: Scott is a skilled thief, even before gaining the Ant-Man suit he was able to infiltrate and hack advanced security systems.


  • Ant-Man's Suit:

  • Ant-Man's Helmet: Ant-Man also wore a cybernetic helmet designed by Henry Pym permitting him rudimentary communication and control of insects, allowing him to lead hundreds of ants to overwhelm any single opponent. He could broadcast to a range of about one mile (1.6 km), depending on the materials surrounding him. His helmet also contained sound amplification equipment which also shifted the frequency of his voice so that he could be heard by normal-sized humans despite his diminutive size, as well as providing its own oxygen supply.

*When exposed to the "Horton Cells" while travelling Android Human Torch's body developed pyrokinetic powers. However the exposure was temporary. (

  • Weapons

Ant-Man's Wrist Gauntlets: Ant-Man's wrist gauntlets enabled him to fire bio-electric blasts of adjustable force. His original helmet was able to fire 'disruptor' blasts of concussive force that Lang said were less powerful than the stings of The Wasp.


Ant-Man's Ants: Ant-Man customarily rode flying ants for transportation.

The Science

And now for the Science part!

This section discusses the actual science of being a superhero. What are the physics of Superman's flight or Wonder Woman's ability to deflect bullets with her bracelets of submission? What is the chemical make up of Spiderman's web versus actual spider silk? What are gamma rays and how could they transform theoretical physicist Bruce Banner into a rage filled Hulk? Inquiring minds want to know! So read on and see what experts in their fields have to say about it all.