Set your Google Scholar preferences to access journals and databases USC subscribes to via the Find It @ USC links.
Video with step by step instructions:
To set your preferences:
1. Go to
2. Go to the upper-left hand side of the page, select the following icon:
3. Select Library Links on the left-hand side of the page..
4. In the search box, type in University of Southern California or USC and click the search icon.
5. Select University of Southern California - Find It @ USC and then select Save.
Use only the important words rather than a full sentence or question.
Use quotes to search for an exact word or set of words in a specific order.
Searches are not case sensitive.
Google can be a powerful research tool that helps you find policy and legislative data, statistics, policy reports, and more. The trick is knowing how to get Google to find the good stuff for you.
Know your domains:
The end of a web address (URL), after the dot, is the domain. For example,, edu is the domain. You can use domains to filter out your Google results.
Common domains are:
edu -- educational sites
org -- non-profit sites
gov -- government sites
Google domain filtering:
Add the words "" (or org/edu/com/etc.) to the end of your Google search. Use a semicolon to separate domains.
The search below is asking Google to find sources about HIV infections in Los Angeles, and limiting my results to websites that end in .gov or .org -- in other words, I only want results from government or non-profit organizations.
The Cited by link provides a list of other items that used the article in their reference list.
The Related articles link will list items similar to the article you are viewing.
Google Scholar allows you to limit your results to the latest articles. Type in a custom date range on the left side of the results page and this will only bring up the articles published within those years.