The HPC-NML custom condo in CARC is dedicated to NGS data analysis with Partek Flow.
- For most researchers, a CARC account is needed to host your data and analysis results.
- The lab PI (or a long-term PhD-level lab member) should apply for an CARC account with 5-10TB storage.
- Check CARC account page for PI eligibility.
- You must have a USC NetID to apply for a CARC account.
- CHLA users who do not have accounts should first apply for an iVIP account by contacting your iVIP administrator Jesse Castro (
- If you are eligible for an CARC account, follow the instructions on Partek Flow page to get started. Further instructions for applying and setting up a CARC account for Partek Flow use will be sent to you once you submitted the NGS data analysis request form.